Our Organization

The Alberta Parents’ Union is an organization of Alberta parents advocating for the best possible education for all Alberta students - whether that be public, separate, francophone, alternative, charter, independent, or home education.

We are parents (and also grandparents, guardians, and even some teachers) of K-12 students all across our province.

We aim to empower parents with the information and tools they need to ensure every child in Alberta achieves their full potential.

We believe:

  • That children are not one-size-fits-all, and thus the education system should not be one-size-fits-all either;
  • That the Alberta Advantage in education is largely due to the broad array of choices in education accessible to ordinary Albertans;
  • That every student in Alberta should have the ability to access this broad array of choice in education;
  • That no one person/system/philosophy has all of the good ideas, and that we must, therefore, listen to and engage a wide, pluralistic array of views; and
  • That, in the end, our K-12 education system should serve the students in it first, not the adults employed by it.

As an organization, we are only as strong as our supporters, so we need you to join today and become a part of our efforts.

We need your support to promote choice in education, defend Alberta's excellent K-12 education landscape, and expand opportunities for every Alberta student.

If you agree, please consider joining the Alberta Parents' Union today.