Virtual Curriculum Consultation - October 14 - 6:30 pm

Feedback on Alberta’s new K-6 draft Social Studies curriculum has been reopened and time is short for you to make your voice heard!

We have carefully inspected the consultation process Alberta Education expects to be followed and we can follow it to the letter.

We can also explain any terminology parents, grandparents, or taxpayers find confusing and track any feedback that doesn’t fit in the survey Alberta Education has issued.

We will make sure all that feedback makes it directly to the Minister and advocate for the priorities Alberta parents entrust with us.

And, we're doing it online so that it's quick and easy for busy parents to attend!


To register for this virtual event, simply fill in your contact details on this page and click Send RSVP, and you will be provided with the Zoom event details and link.

You may use this registration page as many times as you wish to fill out a registration form for any family members or friends who also wish to participate. 

If you are having any technical difficulties with the registration process, please email [email protected]

Hope to see you on October 14th!

October 14, 2023 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Zoom - Link will be provided to registrants

Will you come?

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