As you’ve hopefully heard by now, the Alberta Parents’ Union has officially launched and, as part of our launch activities, we’re going to be holding a series of events across the province.
We are very excited about the future of education in Alberta, and we’d like to work with you to build a great organization that can represent parents, advocate for students, and work to improve education in our great province.
So, please come and join us at this FREE in-person event.
Where: Servus Sports Centre, 2501 28 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB T1K 7L6
When: Thursday, May 26th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
(Parents have hectic schedules - we get it! So, if you need to arrive late or leave early, that's okay.)
The event is completely free and everyone is welcome - whether you’re a parent, grandparent, teacher, or a taxpayer with an interest in our education system.
There will also be ample opportunity for discussion, feedback, networking, and questions.
So, no matter what type of school or education your child is in, come along, bring a friend, meet like-minded parents, and get to know the Alberta Parents’ Union team!
To register for this event, simply fill in your contact details on this page and click Send RSVP.
You may use this registration page as many times as you wish to fill out a registration form for any family members or friends who also wish to participate, though each attendee requires a separate email address and you may need to use an incognito browser window to register more than once.
If you are having any technical difficulties with the registration process, please email [email protected]
See you there!
May 26, 2022 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm