Save Louise Dean School

Sign the petition to Save Louise Dean School

Who's Signing?

Isabel Scotney
Robert Hunter
Danielle Engel
Cristina Aquino
Terri Adams
Mark Kocher
Larissa Layton
Kenneth Poffenroth
Ruth Hahn
Terry Foster
Alysa Woolley
Cornelis Lock
Tammy Andersen
Chelsea Rivera
Darrell Joevenazzo
Ken Trout
Fatima Tagliaferro
Ron Christensen
Barbara Gauthier
Naomi Milner
Vanessa Ulmer
Adhara Hodgson
Rena Grenier
Barb Spencer
Cameron Mccoy
Carmen Cairns
Beth Lashmar
Paul Florentino
Kara Mohr
Pat Curzon

Showing 3255 comments

  • Isabel Scotney
    signed 2022-10-01 08:06:21 -0600
  • Robert Hunter
    signed 2022-10-01 08:06:11 -0600
    Use some common sense CBE. There is so much ACTUAL wasteage within your system, that it should be easy to nfind at least 10-20% across the board savings, and not resort to closing schools. You are called the Calgary Board of EDUCATION for a rerason. Wake up, find efficiencies throughout the system, and do not close EDUCATIONAL buildings. This is beyond ridiculous!!
  • Danielle Engel
    signed 2022-10-01 08:06:09 -0600
  • Cristina Aquino
    signed 2022-10-01 08:05:44 -0600
  • Terri Adams
    signed 2022-10-01 08:05:06 -0600
  • Mark Kocher
    signed 2022-10-01 08:05:04 -0600
  • Larissa Layton
    signed 2022-10-01 08:05:02 -0600
  • Kenneth Poffenroth
    signed 2022-10-01 08:04:01 -0600
  • Ruth Hahn
    signed 2022-10-01 08:03:45 -0600
  • Terry Foster
    signed 2022-10-01 07:38:08 -0600
    The young women I know who were uniquely supported through a challenging time went on to become exceptional mothers and exceptionally hard-working, positive citizens.
  • Alysa Woolley
    signed via 2022-10-01 07:15:31 -0600
  • Cornelis Lock
    signed 2022-10-01 06:50:29 -0600
  • Tammy Andersen
    signed 2022-10-01 06:48:43 -0600
    I attended Louise Dean 46 years ago. I could not imagine where I or my fellow students would be without the support we received.
  • Chelsea Rivera
    signed via 2022-10-01 06:18:50 -0600
  • Darrell Joevenazzo
    signed 2022-10-01 06:12:00 -0600
    This school offers a unique experience for our young youth the stability needed at a very critical season in their lives…. we can not turn our backs to this by forcing them to integrate. It’s absolutely necessary that they have the freedom and room to grow with others experiencing the same issues without judgement or embarrassment!
  • Ken Trout
    signed via 2022-10-01 05:57:48 -0600
  • Fatima Tagliaferro
    signed 2022-10-01 05:28:22 -0600
  • Ron Christensen
    signed 2022-10-01 05:22:08 -0600
  • Barbara Gauthier
    signed 2022-10-01 03:42:30 -0600
  • Naomi Milner
    signed 2022-10-01 03:04:57 -0600
  • Vanessa Ulmer
    signed via 2022-10-01 02:13:00 -0600
  • Adhara Hodgson
    signed 2022-10-01 01:22:00 -0600
  • Rena Grenier
    signed 2022-10-01 01:11:47 -0600
  • Barb Spencer
    signed 2022-10-01 00:50:48 -0600
  • Cameron Mccoy
    signed 2022-10-01 00:33:38 -0600
  • Carmen Cairns
    signed 2022-10-01 00:26:01 -0600
    Perhaps the CBE IS PREPARING FOR THE LOW BIRTH RATES and sterility due to the genocidal jab that so many teens and young adults were coerced into getting.
  • Beth Lashmar
    signed 2022-09-30 23:18:56 -0600
    I am an alumni of Louise Dean. I graduated with honours, scholarships and grants. I went on to graduate college with a certificate in Medical Transcription. I never could have achieved what I did if it was not for the community, mentorship and support that Louise Dean offered.
  • Paul Florentino
    signed via 2022-09-30 23:05:06 -0600
  • Kara Mohr
    signed via 2022-09-30 22:35:57 -0600
  • Pat Curzon
    signed 2022-09-30 22:17:43 -0600